Running an Azure DevOps Build Agent in Kubernetes
The basics…
Firstly, create a new namespace called build-agents
to hold the new agents and also create a PAT in Azure DevOps, ideally associated with a service principal.
kubectl create ns build-agents
If desired, add details about your Docker account if you wish to use your account for unlimited pulls.
kubectl create secret docker-registry dockerhub-account --docker-username=dockerhub-account-name --docker-password=dockerhub-account-password --docker-email= --namespace build-agents
In the above script, dockerhub-account
will be the name of the secret in Kubernetes, dockerhub-account-name
should be changed to your Docker Hub account name and dockerhub-account-password
should be changed to your Docker Hub password or token.
Next create a simple YAML file with the following values:
pullPolicy: Always
- dockerhub-account
personalAccessToken: "your-ads-pat"
organisationUrl: ""
pool: "Default"
dockerNodes: true
In the above file, you should change your-ads-pat
to a Personal Access Token (PAT) you’ve generated which has “Read & manage” agent permissions. You should also change your-org-name
to the name of your Azure DevOps organisation. If you wish to deploy the agent to a pool other than the "Default" one, you should also update pool
. The image
section can be completely removed or either of the sub-values if desired. If you’re not running Docker for your container hosting (Kubernetes 1.24+ will no longer use Docker as its container engine, using Containerd instead), set dockerNodes to false.
Once you are done, it’s time to install the first agent:
helm repo add jabbermouth
helm install -n build-agents -f buildagent-settings.yaml linux-agent-1 jabbermouth/AzureDevOpsBuildAgent
To add an additional build agent, simply run the following:
helm install -n build-agents -f buildagent-settings.yaml linux-agent-2 jabbermouth/AzureDevOpsBuildAgent
The container can be found on Docker Hub, the files used to build the container can be found on GitHub and the Helm chart code can also be found on GitHub.