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Azure DevOps

Running an Azure DevOps Build Agent in Kubernetes

The basics…

Firstly, create a new namespace called build-agents to hold the new agents and also create a PAT in Azure DevOps, ideally associated with a service principal.

kubectl create ns build-agents

If desired, add details about your Docker account if you wish to use your account for unlimited pulls.

kubectl create secret docker-registry dockerhub-account --docker-username=dockerhub-account-name --docker-password=dockerhub-account-password --docker-email= --namespace build-agents

In the above script, dockerhub-account will be the name of the secret in Kubernetes, dockerhub-account-name should be changed to your Docker Hub account name and dockerhub-account-password should be changed to your Docker Hub password or token.

Next create a simple YAML file with the following values:


  pullPolicy: Always
    - dockerhub-account

personalAccessToken: "your-ads-pat"

  organisationUrl: ""
  pool: "Default"
  dockerNodes: true

In the above file, you should change your-ads-pat to a Personal Access Token (PAT) you’ve generated which has “Read & manage” agent permissions. You should also change your-org-name to the name of your Azure DevOps organisation. If you wish to deploy the agent to a pool other than the "Default" one, you should also update pool. The image section can be completely removed or either of the sub-values if desired. If you’re not running Docker for your container hosting (Kubernetes 1.24+ will no longer use Docker as its container engine, using Containerd instead), set dockerNodes to false.

Once you are done, it’s time to install the first agent:

helm repo add jabbermouth
helm install -n build-agents -f buildagent-settings.yaml linux-agent-1 jabbermouth/AzureDevOpsBuildAgent

To add an additional build agent, simply run the following:

helm install -n build-agents -f buildagent-settings.yaml linux-agent-2 jabbermouth/AzureDevOpsBuildAgent

The container can be found on Docker Hub, the files used to build the container can be found on GitHub and the Helm chart code can also be found on GitHub.

Trunk-based development with release branches

I would no longer advocate this approach, in favour of releasing from trunk directly. For my latest thinking, please see my engineering approach article.

There are many ways to develop software and different ways to use branches within that workflow. This article outlines one such approach which is centred around trunk-based development with release branches to get code out to production.

This is not true continuous delivery but does allow a good balance to be achieved between continuous integration and planned deliveries, particularly for teams or projects without the automated testing in place to support a true CI/CD pipeline.

For the purposes of this article, Azure DevOps will be used when a specific platform is referenced regarding version control and deployment pipelines.

This article will be updated (and republished if appropriate) as the process evolves. It is being published now as a starting point and to share ideas.


For this article, the assumption is that four environments are in play; local development, an integration environment and a blue/green staging and production environment. For the most part and for the purposes of this article, a separate staging and production environment setup will work just the same.


There will be four types of branches used in this model:

  • main
  • story/*
  • release/*
  • *-on-release-*

Branch Protection

It is recommended that very few people can directly push to main or a release/* branch (anyone should be able to create the latter though). It’s also recommended that self approving PRs are disabled.

Branch Overviews

This section provides a summary of the different branches that are expected within this workflow.


The main branch is deployed to the development environment and should be regularly* getting updated with the latest code changes. Any code committed to this branch should be releasable with new features that shouldn’t be available on production protected using feature flagging. This branch should be protected from direct changes.

  • No code should be in a branch outside main that is older than a day – stories or tasks should be small enough to support this
story/ (or task/ or hotfix/ or bug/)

These branches should be short lived and regularly pushed to main (I recommend using pull requests). If working on a story that will take longer than a day it would make sense to have a branch last longer than a day but regular merges to main should still be happening.


These branches are created from the main branch and will trigger a push to a staging environment. If a problem is found, changes shouldn’t be made directly to the release branch but should be made against main (via a story branch and a pull request) and then a cherry pick pull request made to the release branch. These branches should be protected by direct changes.

Once a release to production is completed successfully, these branches could be deleted but it may be preferred to keep at least some of these branches for references (perhaps the latest three branches) in case an issue occurs.

The naming format of the part after release can be anything as long as it’s unique per release. If daily or less frequent releases are being done, release/yyyyMMdd could be used (e.g. release/20221017). Alternatively, a major.minor.revision approach can be taken.


These branches only come into play when a cherry pick is needed from main to a release branch. The naming format used here is the one that Azure DevOps uses when using the cherry pick functionality (accessible by the three-dot/kebab menu) on a commit’s details page. Once the target branch (i.e. a release/* branch) is selected, the default topic branch name is populated and will look something like 79744d39-on-release-20221017.

Branching Workflow Example

The following example doesn’t highlight origin vs local versions of branches with the assumption being that any local branches are kept up to date. A good approach for this is rebasing the child branch to the parent branch and then, for story branches, using a forced push to origin from local using git push -f. If more than one engineer is working on a story branch, this approach will likely cause issues and isn’t recommended. Whilst multiple engineers working on a story is fine, they probably shouldn’t be working on the same story branch (e.g. one does API, one does UI).

Git branching diagram showing four branches

Code Quality and Testing

For trunk-based development to work well, it’s essential that there is confidence in the quality of the code being merged into the main branch and potentially released at any time.

There are several tools and processes that can be used to improve code quality and improve release confidence including:

  • Pull requests
  • Comprehensive unit testing
  • Test Driven Development
  • Behaviour Driven Development
  • Regression Testing

In the following sections, each of these topics will be covered.

Pull Requests

When code is being merged into the main branch or, when a cherry pick is needed into a release branch via a *-on-release-* branch, a pull request should be used. This gets a second pair of eyes on the code but also should have branch policies in place that trigger a build and run any unit tests before allowing the merge to complete.

Things to look for in a pull request include but are not limited to:

  • Missing or incomplete unit testing
  • Where required, feature flag not in place
  • "Code smells" – code written in a ways that is not good practice and/or may be detrimental to performance, security, etc…
  • Hard coded values
  • Redundant code
  • Non-compliance with SOLID, DRY, etc…
  • Not meeting the requirements of the story, task, etc…
  • Microservice code written in a tightly coupled way
  • Circular references
  • Legal requirements not met e.g. accessibility, cookie compliance, etc…

Some of these may be validly missing from code (e.g. requirement covered by another task, cookie banner is another story, etc…) but remember the code that is approved should be releasable so, if unit testing shouldn’t be missing in most cases and, for incomplete features, a feature flag should likely be in place.

Unit Tests

Having unit tests for your code is a good idea for (at least) two reasons:

  1. You can have confidence when making changes to code that existing functionality hasn’t been broken
  2. Your test confirms your code does what you think it does

Code coverage is used to measure how much of your code is covered by unit testing. A good minimum level is 80% although in some situations, a higher level may be advised.

Test Driven Development (TDD)

The TL;DR version of this is write the tests before the code with the idea being the requirement is written before the implementation. TDD uses a red, green, refactor approach which means a test is written which fails (because there is no implementation), then the implementation is written to make the tests pass and then the code is refactored to get rid of “code smells”, etc… If gaps in the tests are noted, they should be filled, once again using the red, green, refactor approach.

Some YouTube videos on the subject are available from Continuous Delivery and JetBrains.

Behaviour Driven Development (BDD)

BDD is intended to provide clear, human readable, requirements to the engineers that can be translated directly into runnable tests. Doing this using TDD is recommended. If using Visual Studio and .NET, Specflow is one of the most popular choices.

Requirements are written in the form of Given… When… Then… statements to define a requirement. For example:

Given a user is authenticated and authorised
When they visit the landing page
Then they are automatically redirected to the main dashboard

Regression Testing

This kind of testing is about making sure a site as a whole works and is often done with manual testing or automated using tools/frameworks like Selenium or Playwright.

Ideally, especially when running automated testing, these should be run against a clean environment that is spun up for the purposes of testing to guarantee a fixed starting point and to help reduce the brittleness often inherit in automated regression testing. This would include all code, databases and other services. A full dataset may not be required and, if testing against a large dataset, may not be cost or time efficient.


A key part of any CI/CD setup is the pipeline(s) used to build and deploy the application. My preferred approach is a templated one as it helps:

  • Minimise repetition
  • Allow for a single application configuration file
  • Use of scripting languages (e.g. PowerShell Core and Bash) to minimise tying to a specific platform (i.e. Windows or Linux) or pipeline technology (i.e. Azure Pipelines, Octopus, etc…)
  • Use of Helm for Kubernetes deployments

Kaniko Setup for an Azure DevOps Linux build agent

NOTE: This document is still being tested so some parts may not quite work yet.

This document takes you through the process of setting up and using Kaniko for building containers on a Kubernetes-hosted Linux build agent without Docker being installed. This then allows for the complete removal of Docker from your worker nodes when switching over to containerd, etc…

For the purposes of this demo, the assumption is that a namespace called build-agents will be used to host Kaniko jobs and the Azure DevOps build agents. There is also a Docker secret required to push the container to Docker Hub.


This process makes use of a ReadWriteMany (RWX) persistent storage volume and is assumed to be running using a build agent in the cluster as outlined in this Kubernetes Build Agent repo. The only change required is adding the following under the agent section (storageClass and size are optional):

    enabled: true
    storageClass: longhorn
    size: 5Gi



To set up your namespace for Kaniko (i.e. build-agents) run the following command:

kubectl create ns build-agents

Service Account

Next, create a file called and copy in the following script:



while getopts ":n:d:?:" opt; do
  case $opt in
    n) namespace="$OPTARG"
    d) dockersecret="$OPTARG"
    echo "Usage: helpers/ [OPTIONS]"
    echo "Options"
    echo "  n = namespace to create kaniko account in (default: $namespace)"
    echo "  d = name of Docker Hub secret to use (default: $dockersecret)"
    exit 0
    \?) echo "Invalid option -$OPTARG" >&2

echo Removing existing file if present
rm kaniko-user.yaml

echo Generating new user creating manifests
cat <<EOM >kaniko-user.yaml
kind: ClusterRole
  name: pod-runner
      - ""
      - apps
      - pods
      - pods/log
    verbs: ["get", "watch", "list", "create", "delete", "update", "patch"]


apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
  name: kaniko
  namespace: $namespace
- name: $dockersecret


kind: ClusterRoleBinding
  name: kaniko-pod-runner
  kind: ClusterRole
  name: pod-runner
- kind: ServiceAccount
  name: kaniko
  namespace: $namespace

echo Applying user manifests
kubectl apply -f kaniko-user.yaml

echo Tidying up manifests
rm kaniko-user.yaml

echo Getting secret
secret=$(kubectl get serviceAccounts kaniko -n $namespace -o=jsonpath={.secrets[*].name})

token=$(kubectl get secret $secret -n $namespace -o=jsonpath={.data.token})

echo Or paste the following token where needed:
echo $token | base64 --decode

This can then be executed using the following command:


Token and Secure File

Create a new Azure DevOps library group called KanikoUserToken and add an entry to it. Name the variable ServiceAccount_Kaniko and copy the token from above into the value and make it a secret.

Under “Pipeline permissions” for the group, click the three vertical dots next to the + and choose “Open access”. This will be used

Azure Pipeline

The example below assumes the build is done using template files and this particular one would be for the container build and push. Update the parameter defaults as required. This will deploy to a repository on Docker Hub in a lowercase form of REPOSITORY_NAME with . replaced with - to make it compliant. This can be modified as required.

  TAG: ''
  REGISTRY_SECRET: 'dockerhub-jabbermouth'
  DOCKER_HUB_IDENTIFIER: 'jabbermouth'

- job: Build${{ parameters.TAG }}
  displayName: 'Build ${{ parameters.TAG }}'
  condition: and(succeeded(), startsWith(variables['Build.SourceBranch'], 'refs/heads/${{ parameters.BRANCH_PREFIX }}'))
  pool: 'Docker (Linux)'
    group: KanikoUserToken
  - task: KubectlInstaller@0
      kubectlVersion: 'latest'

# copy code to shared folder: kaniko/buildId
  - task: CopyFiles@2
    displayName: Copy files to shared Kaniko folder
      SourceFolder: ''
      Contents: '**'
      TargetFolder: '/kaniko/$(Build.BuildId)/'
      CleanTargetFolder: true

# download K8s config file
  - task: DownloadSecureFile@1
    name: fetchK8sConfig
    displayName: Download Kaniko config
      secureFile: 'build-agent-kaniko.config'

# create pod script with folder mapped to kaniko/buildId
  - task: Bash@3
    displayName: Execute pod and wait for result
      targetType: 'inline'
      script: |
        #Create a deployment yaml to create the Kaniko Pod
        cat > deploy.yaml <<EOF
        apiVersion: v1
        kind: Pod
          name: kaniko-$(Build.BuildId)
          namespace: build-agents
          - name: ${{ parameters.REGISTRY_SECRET }}
          - name: kaniko
            - "--dockerfile=Dockerfile"
            - "--context=/src/$(Build.BuildId)"
            - "--destination=${{ parameters.DOCKER_HUB_IDENTIFIER }}/${{ replace(lower(parameters.REPOSITORY_NAME),'.','-') }}:${{ parameters.TAG }}"
            - name: kaniko-secret
              mountPath: /kaniko/.docker
            - name: source-code
              mountPath: /src
          restartPolicy: Never
          - name: kaniko-secret
              secretName: ${{ parameters.REGISTRY_SECRET }}
              - key: .dockerconfigjson
                path: config.json
          - name: source-code
              claimName: $DEPLOYMENT_NAME-kaniko

        echo Applying pod definition to server
        kubectl apply -f deploy.yaml -n build-agents --token=$(ServiceAccount_Kaniko)

        # await pod completing
        # Monitor for Success or failure        
          while [[ $(kubectl get pods ${{ variables.jobName }} --token=$(Kaniko_ServiceAccount) -n build-agents -o jsonpath='{..status.phase}') != "Succeeded" && $(kubectl get pods ${{ variables.jobName }} --token=$(Kaniko_ServiceAccount)  -n build-agents -o jsonpath='{..status.phase}') != "Failed" ]]; do echo "waiting for pod ${{ variables.jobName }}: $(kubectl logs ${{ variables.jobName }} --token=$(Kaniko_ServiceAccount) -n build-agents | tail -1)" && sleep 10; done

        # Exit the script with error if build failed        
        if [ $(kubectl get pods kaniko-$(Build.BuildId) --token=$(ServiceAccount_Kaniko) -n build-agents -o jsonpath='{..status.phase}') == "Failed" ]; then 
            echo Build or push failed - outputing log
            kubectl logs ${{ variables.jobName }} --token=$(Kaniko_ServiceAccount) -n build-agents
            echo Now deleting pod...
            kubectl delete -f deploy.yaml -n build-agents --token=$(ServiceAccount_Kaniko)

            echo Removing build source files
            rm -R -f /kaniko/$(Build.BuildId)

            exit 1;

        # if pod succeeded, delete the pod
        echo Build and push successed and now deleting pod
        kubectl delete -f deploy.yaml -n build-agents --token=$(ServiceAccount_Kaniko)

        echo Removing build source files
        rm -R -f /kaniko/$(Build.BuildId)

This template is called using something like:

  - template: templates/job-build-container.yaml
      REPOSITORY_NAME: 'Your.Respository.Name'
      TAG: 'latest'