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Quick Tips

Setup local Redis container

To set up a local Redis container that automatically starts up on reboot, run the following command:

docker run --name redis -d --restart always -p 6379:6379 redis:latest

To include a UI, run the following command:

docker run --name redis-ui -d --restart always -p 8001:8001 redislabs/redisinsight

Build container from Visual Studio built Dockerfile

If you need to build a project using the Visual Studio generated Dockerfile, you need to run docker build from the solution folder and specify the file.

Assuming the project you are working is called Your.Project.Api and this is the name of the project folder, run the following command from the root folder where the solution file and project folder(s) are located.

docker build -f Your.Project.Api/Dockerfile .

For Windows, you can use a forward or back slash but Linux must be a forward slash.

Longhorn Restart

If your Longhorn setup gets ‘stuck', run this script to trigger a restart of all the Longhorn pods.

kubectl rollout restart daemonset engine-image-ei-d4c780c6 -n longhorn-system
kubectl rollout restart daemonset longhorn-csi-plugin -n longhorn-system
kubectl rollout restart daemonset longhorn-manager -n longhorn-system

kubectl rollout restart deploy csi-attacher -n longhorn-system
kubectl rollout restart deploy csi-provisioner -n longhorn-system
kubectl rollout restart deploy csi-resizer -n longhorn-system
kubectl rollout restart deploy csi-snapshotter -n longhorn-system
kubectl rollout restart deploy longhorn-driver-deployer -n longhorn-system
kubectl rollout restart deploy longhorn-ui -n longhorn-system

If you wish to make this script executable, save it to a file (e.g. and put the following as the first line of the script file:


And then run the following command:

chmod +x

Removing a failed/no longer available control plane node from the etcd cluster

If you have a control plane node fail in a cluster to the point you can no longer connect to it, this is how to remove it, including etcd, from your cluster.

The first step is to delete the node itself. For these examples, we'll assume the node is called kubernetes-cp-gone. Run the following command from a working control plane:

kubectl delete node kubernetes-cp-gone

Next we need to tidy up etcd. Firstly, we'll tidy up the Kubernetes level configuration by running the following command:

kubectl -n kube-system edit cm kubeadm-config

Once in Vi, delete the three lines underneath apiEndpoints that correspond to the deleted server (press the insert key to go into the correct mode). Once done, save your changes by pressing escape then :wq followed by enter.

Next, you need to get the name of a working and available etcd pod. You can do this by typing the following:

kubectl get pods -n kube-system | grep etcd-

Next, enter the following command, replacement etcd-pod with the name of one of your working etcd pods:

kubectl exec -n kube-system etcd-pod -it -- etcdctl --cacert /etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/ca.crt --cert /etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/peer.crt --key /etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/peer.key member list -w table

Take note of the ID and then run the following command, again, replacing etcd-pod with the name of your working control plane pod:

kubectl exec -n kube-system etcd-pod -it -- etcdctl --cacert /etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/ca.crt --cert /etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/peer.crt --key /etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/peer.key member remove failednodeid

A simple testing mail server

If you need a quick mail server to test your mail logic works without actually sending these test emails, I suggest using Mailhog as it will not only swallow your test emails but it also provides a simple UI to see the messages you've sent.

To get it up and running requires one simple Docker command:

docker run -p 25:1025 -p 8025:8025 -d --restart always --name mailhog mailhog/mailhog

With this, you can send mail on port 25 via SMTP and view the dashboard at http://localhost:8025/ and see any mail you've received.